Best Ayurveda & Diabetes Treatment Tips

Before we discuss the best treatment for diabetes, we need to understand this condition. It is a chronic metabolic illness where we find the patient's body turning powerless to leverage the glucose, which ends up resulting in the condition called hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. The excess amount of glucose found in the blood often results in the high levels of glucose, which seems to be present in the urine or the glycosuria. This tends to boost up the output of the urine leading to conditions like dehydration and increased amount of thirst. When it comes to the treatment of this ailment, Ayurveda offers the best solution.
What are the Causes of Diabetes?

There are several factors that are behind causing this condition, which include the excessive amount of food intake, particularly the ones that are difficult to digest. Some of the foods that remain difficult to digest include creams, fried foods, and other stuff. The lack of any physical activity, mental stress and an excessive amount of sleep can result to overweight that is often caused to the high consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates along with fats and proteins lead the show. However, when it comes to the best treatment for diabetes, Ayurveda stands alone.
Diabetes Treatment and Ayurveda
When it comes to diabetes treatment in Nagpur, you need to know that it happens to be a holistic approach to medicine, which has its origin in India for five thousand years. It remains effective for treating these conditions. The medicines in Ayurveda are designed keeping in mind five things in life water, earth, air, fire, and space. The human body is also made up of these five elements, where our body also has three types of energy as well including Kapha, pitta, vata and it can create an imbalance among these energies. As per the Ayurveda sciences, diabetes is often caused due to the imbalance found in the Kapha energy, which comprises of both the elements water and earth. The holistic practitioners often attribute to the development for diabetes to boost up the reduction in the digestive fire, or the element called "agni," and thereby adding the diminished capability of the human body to metabolize energy and reduce toxins.

As far as the best treatment for diabetes is concerned, you need to stick to certain food habits like avoiding an excessive amount of sweets, red meat, carbohydrates, seafood, and dairy products. These tend to boost up the Kapha energy. Rather you need to consider rye, barley, corn, fresh vegetables, rice, oats, like asparagus, onions, peppers, eggplant, garlic, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and herbs including gokshura, ginger, gudmar, musta, triphala, cardamom, coriander or fenugreek. You need to rely on food obtained through dry cooking including grilling, broiling, baking and others that remain preferable for balancing the cool, heavy and wet nature of Kapha. You need to consider honey over the white sugar in Ayurveda. For the dietary modifications, you need to rely on regular physical activity, yoga, meditation, and herbal supplementation.
What's the Take-Away?
It is often difficult to find out the big defects with the Ayurveda basics for this ailment. Avoiding all forms of sweets along with encouraging the whole grain along with the veggies will help in keeping diabetes under control. You will get a proper diet strategy from your Ayurveda expert which you have to stick to. You need to check the variants in terms of food you have. Better avoid the seafood, dairy and red meat is a mandatory thing to consider while undergoing the treatment for this ailment. The only treatment option in Ayurveda is the herbal recommendations that are supposed to be consumed as per the practitioners. The herbs can work a lot in keeping this ailment at bay. However, you need to know how things work while consuming herbs.