How Do Ayurvedic Treatment Therapies Improve Your Reproductive System?


Some of the best gynaecologist hospitals in nagpur are Ayurvedic treatment facilities. Gynaecological issues have become serious global health problems and Ayurveda is providing an effective alternative therapy option where other options haven't been able to yield long-term treatment. So what are the different ways in which this ancient science has been benefits your reproductive health in different ways.

Reproductive Tract Infections

Reproductive tract infections can create a wide range of problems with the system. This can include infertility, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and low birth weight in babies. Proven ayurvedic treatment gynaecology includes oral and local therapies for effectively addressing these disorders.

Hormonal Imbalance

Ayurveda treatment involves the use of herbs for toning and cleansing the uterus. It focuses on creating a balance in the female menstrual cycle. Some of the various benefits of such therapy include:

  • Reducing inflammation during menopause and menstruation
  • Increasing fertility
  • Reducing emotional irritability

Menstrual Regulation

The best gynaecologist doctor in Nagpur provides treatment to regulate and balance the menstrual cycle. The benefits of this aspect of the therapy include:

  • Effective treatment of menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea
  • Regulation of feminine bodily rhythms as intended by nature
  • Positive effect on the nerves and improvement in emotional irritability
  • Reduces and treats abdominal cramping

Enhanced Fertility

In addition to addressing disorders of the reproductive system, Ayurveda therapy also helps in boosting the female fertility. The therapies used in this science increase fertility by reducing or eliminating any inflammation in the vagina or uterus. Thus, Ayurveda is also considered an excellent option for women choosing to have a child later in their life.

Reproductive Toning

You can use ayurvedic treatment gynaecology therapies at all stages of your life. It supports the female reproductive health in transitioning during all the different stages including puberty, adulthood, motherhood, and post menopause. It benefits your reproductive health in different ways during different stages:

  • Youth: Promoting healthy menstruation
  • Adulthood: Increasing fertility and preventing miscarriage
  • Motherhood: Supporting lactation

Menopause: Cooling inflammation hot flashes

Aphrodisiac Benefits

When the reproductive system becomes healthy and works properly, this further results in improving its functioning for the purpose it is meant to be. The best gynaecologist hospitals in nagpur using Ayurvedic therapy can help in addressing sexual dysfunction in females. The therapies help in enhancing female sexual arousal.

In addition to these benefits, Ayurveda also helps in treating ulcers and urinary disorders. It also provides strength to the body, which further results in improved functioning of the reproductive system.

Different Types of Ayurvedic Therapies in Gynaecology

Some of the commonly used ayurvedic therapies in gynaecology are as follows:

  • Basti: This involves the use of milk, medicated oil, or decoction enema. It causes the absorption of nutrients and medication through the intestinal micro-channels. This therapy is also performed during the ninth month of pregnancy to cleanse bowels and simplify labour. It also helps with painful or infrequent menses, anovulation, and heavy bleeding.
  • Uttarbasti: This involves the use of sterile medicated oil in the uterine cavity during certain stage of menstrual cycle. It helps in purification of the fallopian tubes and uterus. It is ayurvedic treatment gynaecology for conditions like infertility, endometriosis, anovulation, heavy bleeding, tubal block, and repetitive abortions.
  • Yonidhavana: This therapy is used by the best gynaecologist doctor in Nagpur for the irrigation of vagina and vulva. The decoction of medicines is created based on the condition that needs to be treated. Some of the common conditions treated with this therapy include white discharge and vaginal infections.

Some of the other Ayurveda therapies for the female reproductive system include katibasti, vartidharan, pichudharan, shirodhara, and dhoopan to name a few.

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