Know the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Spine Problems
Spinal problems can mar the lifestyle of the patient. Most spinal problems are treatable with the help of the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Whether you looking for Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, backache or any other spinal problems Ayurveda does provide a solution to all.
As you may know that Ayurveda is not just about herbal medicine but is a holistic system that incorporates changes in lifestyle and diet and also includes yoga exercise in your regime. The problems in the spine are caused by the aggravation of the Vata Dosha and Ayurveda treats this cause and provides solutions that reduce the Vata Dosha. Here are the top 7 natural cures for all sorts of spine diseases:
- Stay Warm: One of the chief attributes of Vata Dosha is that it is cold. This is the reason that you should not expose your back to cold. During cold weather, you should protect your back as much as you can. Warmth will reduce the pain and the underlying problem in the spine which is caused by the aggravation of the Vata Dosha.
- Avoid pungent spices: If you eat too many red chilies and wasabi along with other extremely pungent spices in your food, it can have a drying effect on the body. Dryness is also an attribute of the Vata Dosha and if the body becomes dry then the back spinal problem will increase. Apart from back-related problems it also causes constipation. This is the reason that people with spinal problems should avoid pungent spices.
- Eat warm foods: If you consume cold foods then it aggravates the Vata Dosha, causing more problems for the already aggravated dosha in the body. Coldness creates congestion and constriction in the body. On the other hand, heat provides expansion and the channels in the body that carry the stools will remain open and you will be able to eliminate the toxins properly. This, in turn, will reduce the occurrence of back problems. Eating warm foods will also reduce the Vata Dosha and this way gives you relief from back problems.
- Practice Padhastasana: Padhastasana is a standing forward fold posture of yoga. This posture is great for spine-related problems because it allows the Vata Dosha to flow properly through the body. It also eliminates the constriction in the channels that carry stools and hence relieves the pain in the back and constipation both. If the pain in your back is not due to muscular causes then this yoga posture is a great remedy for the back problem. When the Vata Dosha becomes balanced by this posture the spinal problems automatically become less.
- Use oil on the body: Just like all other health problems, spinal problems also increase with stress. This is the reason that warm oil massage of the body will relieve tension and also the problem in the back. Stress, depletion, exertion, and tiredness all increase the Vata Dosha and too much accumulated Vata Dosha leads to early aging. It will also cause pain in various parts of the body. If you oil your body with warm sesame oil before bathing then it will ward off aging and reduce the pain in your back.
- Consume Bishop's weed seed tea: Ajwain is called bishops' weed seed and it can be found in all Indian stores and many health food stores. This herb is very good in relieving pain and can be taken by anyone who does not have problems related to heat. Ajwain is hot in its attributes and hence reduces the cold reducing Vata Dosha as a result. This is the reason that this herb causes a lot of relief for people suffering from spine related problems. Many people claim that it provides instant relief from pain.
- Practice Anulom Vilom: This is a yoga breathing exercise in which you need to take air in from one nostril and take it out through the other nostril. This exercise is very effective in balancing Vata Dosha. It is very beneficial for conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and others which are related to Vata Dosha aggravation.
Following the natural guidelines and the science of Ayurveda, we at Parijatak have a legacy f providing the best solutions to spine disorders. Furthermore, if you looking for a spine specialist in Nagpur providing the best course of neck pain and back pain treatment in Nagpur, then we are here for you with the right combination of therapies, massages, and medicines.