Paralysis Ayurvedic Treatment with Assurance and Efficiency


In paralysis, there is a complete or incomplete loss of movement and sometimes sensation in any one or several body parts. As we know that according to Ayurveda the body is governed by three main doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Paralysis occurs when the Vata dosha is aggravated, especially in the brain.

Causes of Paralysis

Paralysis is commonly known as Pakshaghat in Ayurveda. This takes place when there is an aggravation of Vata dosha due to which nerves dry up and cannot keep up with their normal functioning. The most common causes of paralysis are:

  • Continuous exposure to stress
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Obstructions of channels in the brain
  • Nerve damage due to improper functioning of the spinal cord r
  • Stroke
  • Trauma with nerve injury
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Parkinson's disease
  • ALS, botulism
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome

Paralysis Cure in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, there is a definite cure for this ailment, provided the nerves are not severed or damaged in a major way.

Ayurveda usually cures the paralysis caused by stroke or any ailment. However, there may be a problem in curing the ailment if it is caused due to trauma resulting in the severing or damage of nerves in a major way.

If you are looking for the treatment of paralysis for yourself or any known person then the best thing to do is look for an ayurvedic hospital that provides treatment for not only paralysis but many so-called incurable ailments. 

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis

Paralysis Ayurvedic treatment is done with both internal treatment with the help of herbal medicines and external treatment with the help of therapies like panchakarma. Ayurveda aims at reducing the symptoms of paralysis and restoring movement to the impaired muscle tissues and nerves.

Each Ayurvedic hospital has its own decoctions of herbal and mineral medicines which are to be taken orally. These Ayurvedic decoctions contain many herbs that restore the balance of the Vata dosha and help in bringing back normal movement and sensation to the affected body parts.

Apart from this the treatment of panchakarma is also taken into consideration and administered to the patient. Panchkarma literally means five actions. However, when administering the treatment to a patient of paralysis there may be more than 5 treatments used in practice.

The following treatments are given to the patient as external treatments along with panchakarma:

  • Shiro abhyanga which is a therapy involving pouring of medicated oils on the head of the patient and then a massage sometimes.
  • Shareraabhyanga is an application of medicated oils to the body which also is followed by massage most of the time.
  • Shirodhara treatment is also an oil application to the head
  • Sarvangadhara is the application of steam-heated bundles of herbs tied in cotton cloths and applied gently to the affected parts of the body.
  • Pindsweda treatment this is an application of oil and rice and milk herbal preparation on the affected parts. 

As far as panchakarma is concerned you may well know that it consists of treatments like:

  • Virechana which is purgation with the help of herbal medicines.
  • Vamana which is induced vomiting.
  • Swedanam which is sweating induced by steam with herbs added to the water for better effect.
  • Nasya is a treatment in which oils and decoctions are administered through the nose.
  • Vasthi is the ayurvedic name for herbal enemas.

The aim of the Panchakarma therapies is to remove all the toxins from the body through different means. At the same time, panchakarma also balances the three doshas of the body.

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