Spine Care in Ayurveda


Of late, there has been a tremendous change in the day to day living. The lifestyle of the modern day man has taken a paradigm shift. Thanks to the growing cut throat competition that has kept everyone on the toe. The addition of stress in our day to day life along with the habits of relying on fast food has made things bad to worse. It has simply increased the level of sickness we find our daily lives to a rampant rate. The long working hours in offices have kept the backs of people in a bad shape. They tend to embark upon with several back ache issues due to poor spinal care. The back remains stretched for long giving problems like back ache. People today rely for ayurvedic treatment for spine problems. Thanks for the no or minimal amount of side effects, more and more people are relying on it.

The Spine Problems

Some of the severe issues which people often faces with their spine is that they encounter severe pain at the back. This can at times even remain unbearable to many patients. This pain can even hamper your overall health. Thanks to the improper sitting posture that eventually hampers your back in a big way. The approach of ayurvedic treatment for slip disc is to treat with natural herbs and methods. As per various medical reports, around 70 percent of people today face the issue of back pain and these can be fixed seeking Ayurvedic treatment options. Before it turns to a big problem, it is always a good idea to rely on the old adage, a stitch in time saves nine. Even women of middle age suffer a lot from the pain. The pain at the lower back can be a big problem that can be fixed seeking the help of spine specialist in Nagpur practicing in Ayurveda. The pain remains consistent and thus become a big issue for all.

The Causes to Spinal issues

The chronic pain at the back is due to the issues in spinal cord. There can be many reasons or causes behind the same, which can be discussed below:

  • One of the key causes behind the back pain is the wrong posture. A proper balanced posture can reduce the chances of stress or pressure it adds over your back and thus keeping your one and muscles in a right position.
  • It can occur due to some conditions like spinal stenosis, osteoporosis and scoliosis.
  • A tear in tissues can hamper the spinal cord area and thus can cause back and neck pain.
  • The back injury and improper physical activity lifting heavy weight along with accidents can be the cause behind the back pain.

A majority of people rely on the traditional methods of treatment seeking help of spine specialist in Nagpur like traction, temporary rest, short wave diathermy and surgery to name a few. This can reduce the pain but may not be treat the condition once for all.

The Ayurvedic Treatment for spine Problems

When it comes to the ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, the cause in this treatment option is often found out with three doshas. The lower pain can be caused due to the Vata aggravation. As per Ayurveda, the pain is only due to the weakness found in bone and muscle. Ayurveda has both the internal and external treatment for the back pain found in the spine. You are offered with regular purgation to get rid of the doshas that are responsible in giving this pain. Whereas the internal treatment would have treatment options like 'Asthavargam'. There are other treatment options in Ayurveda that can fix the spine issues, which include Abhaynga and Basti. Also, Yogas are recommended to take care of the spine and get rid of the pain. 

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