Top Five Trends In Ayurveda For Complete Wellness


According to Ayurveda, being healthy does not just mean the absence of disease. Instead total health is considered to be a state in which the body, mind senses, emotions and spirit all are functioning to their best capacity and in synchronization with each other. This is the state where the physiology of a person is in complete balance. However, you need to make a lot of effort with commitment in order to achieve this state of perfect health. The best part of Ayurveda is that it provides many different methods to restore balance of your health on a daily basis. Let us look at some of the Ayurvedic methods followed by some of the best Ayurvedic health wellness retreats you can keep good overall health and well being.

Ayurvedic Food

According to the old adage you become what you eat and Ayurveda wellness believes this on many levels. You should eat fresh organic food products so that you not only consume the nutrients that your body requires, but also remain free of pesticides and artificial fertilisers. It is also advisable to eat food cooked at home in a pure atmosphere. Completely stay away from junk food and avoid dead food like canned or frozen foods and leftovers. You should make it a point to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, light dairy, legumes, and nuts for a balanced diet. It is also good to use spices which help in digestion.

Follow a Regular Routine

According to Ayurveda it is advisable to work with the cycle of nature rather than going against it. It is advisable to wake up before 6 AM and sleep around 10PM. Eating and sleeping at regular times makes the physiology stable and enhances the immunity of the body. You should also indulge in light exercise in the morning to 50% of your capacity. Spend the day in activity and take occasional breaks, but evenings should be reserved for relaxing and unwinding. You should also practice some kind of meditation for at least 20 minutes in the morning and evening. Even modern science has started propagating meditation due to the beneficial effect it has on overall well being.

Positive Thinking and Behavior

Positive thinking and behavior have a very beneficial effect on the overall health and well being of a person. Ama or toxins are generated by negative thoughts and behavior as much as they are generated by wrong eating habits. You should focus on positive behavior like being truthful, nonviolent, calm, sweet talks, charitableness, cleanliness, avoiding anger. According to Ayurveda these are behavioural Rasayana which are actually principles for mental emotional and spiritual health. These in turn have a positive impact on physical health.

Exercise without Strain

The modern day gyming and other vigorous exercises are not advised in Ayurveda. Ayurveda advises exercising to the 50% capacity of the body. Exercise should be light which will enhance endurance, digestion and immunity and with keep away fatigue. While exercising you should keep your body type and season in mind. Winter and spring are the best season for exercise while you should go light during the summer or indulge in water sports like swimming. Morning before 10 Am is the right time for exercise. In fact according to Ayurveda yoga asanasare the best type of exercise because they balance the physiology and even help in curing many ailments. Yoga helps in toning the muscles and rejuvenating the body organs. If you do not have access to a proper yoga teacher then walking is the best exercise.

The last but most important thing is to be in touch with your inner self. This can be done by indulging in meditation that suits you. It is not advisable to treat yourself in this matter, you should always take the help and guidance of a good meditation expert. At Parijatak,

Ayurvedic Wellness center Treatment in Nagpur, we have the best Ayurvedic professionals giving the best care with quality therapies and treatment plan based on individual body constitution. This is because different types of meditation suit different people and the wrong kind of meditation technique can actually be harmful.

All in all Ayurveda has the key to overall well being of an individual provided you have the commitment to yourself. Then you are bound to take the necessary precautions and follow the advice provided above. If you wish to test the effects of Ayurveda in reputed Ayurvedic wellness center, then you should follow the above mentioned advice for at least six months and see the difference in yourself.

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