Where Can I Find the Best Infertility Treatment with Ayurveda?

Infertility Treatment
Ever since our societal norms came into being, Infertility has remained a taboo. When couples find it hard to conceive, it does not mean that one of them is infertile. The problem may not be as big as people make it. Infertility may occur if the person is not getting proper nutrition or due to insomnia, anxiety, hormonal impairment or defective reproductive tract (organs). Infertility treatment has been given in Ayurveda as most of its causes can be dealt with herbal remedies. However, all the remedies need not be taken in raw form. They must be taken in right doses under the guidance of a good Ayurveda expert.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility
There are many plant extracts that are proven remedies and provide effective Ayurvedic treatment for infertility. In females, proper food is very important to cure anything. Besides a well-balanced diet, Ayurveda suggests garlic and licorice increase the fertility of reproductive organs. With regular intake. Taking Jamun with honey on a regular basis also helps to cure infertility. Ashwagandha, Shatavari, aloe vera, guggul, Amla, Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Guduchi, Jeevanti are extremely useful for improving female infertility by improving the hormonal balance between the Follicle Stimulating Hormone and the Luteinizing Hormone, stopping premature ovarian failures, pelvic inflammatory disorders or blocked fallopian tubes. The right combination of selected herbs regulates menstrual cycles, reduces stress, induces sleep to regulate sleep/wake cycle, controls anxiety and improves blood flow in a pelvic cavity- all these to enhance good health.
Care at Parijatak Ayurveda
With several sophisticated and traditional Ayurvedic therapies, Parijatak Ayurveda has become one of its kind in treating infertility related problems. Here are a few of the methods recommended and practiced by the experts:
- Swedanam: In this method, the patient is made to sweat (perspire) due to which the body gets rids of toxic substances present in the body via sweat glands. Swedanam soothes Vata Dosha. The experts give an external application of heat or they subject the patient to a heat chamber. As the body perspires, it gets detoxified.
- Vamanam: Vamanam or therapeutic vomiting helps to remove undigested food, and balances Kapha and pitta doshas. Though a little bit uncomfortable, this Ayurvedic therapy can be very useful.
- Asanas: Particular yoga postures such as particular Yoga asanas (postures) like Paschimottanasana, Shallabasana, Sarvangasana and Ardhamatsyendrasana are highly effective in curing female infertility.
Parijatak Ayurveda's Infertility treatment
Parijatak Ayurveda owes its success to the team of well- qualified and experienced doctors, trained staff and best practiced Ayurvedic measures that have made the clinic the best infertility hospital in Nagpur. This is not the end. The team is headed by Ayurveda experts. The team lead by Dr. Nitish Khonde provides efficient relief for all kinds of infertility related problems. Ayurveda is the most trustworthy way of treatment. It is the best and safest path for treating any ailment. Ayurvedic doctors at Parijatak Ayurveda aim to purify our physical system from inside and purify the body to energize your forces of life. Nothing can beat Ayurveda as an effective therapeutic science which has the least harmful side-effect.